Toddler Storytime Guidelines

Toddler Time Registration Guidelines

Registration for Toddler Time is on a first come basis. Precedence will be given to families that have a child in any of our Storytime programs. After Toddler Time is at full capacity, a waiting list will be utilized, also on a first come basis. Registration will be open until full.  You may register in person or through Eventbrite.  Parents will be notified by e-mail at least one week prior to the beginning of the session.  All children who registered and did not make it into the program will be put on a waiting list and contacted if a space becomes available. Please be considerate of other children and the programmer. Do not register if you cannot attend these programs. The following rules apply to Toddler Time registration: A child must be at least 12 months old and no older than 2 ½ years old by the registration date. (Exceptions can be made for special circumstances at the discretion of the Lap Time Programmer), a child may be registered only once per session, a family who has previously been in a program but did not abide by the attendance policy will only receive a space if there is not a waiting list.

*Note: We STRONGLY advise using a facemask for anyone aged 2 and up. Some adults and children might be immune compromised or unvaccinated and therefore more susceptible to contracting an illness from someone else. This is per CDC guidelines.

Toddler Time Program Guidelines

Our primary goal at the Carnegie is to foster a love of books and reading in your child. We appreciate your cooperation, support and participation! The Toddler Time program is geared to the needs and interests of children ages 12 months to 2 ½ years old. Please be patient with other children and parents. Every child is different and has different limits. Because of this, the program may end at an approximate time each week depending on how the children  are feeling. We may have to adjust the schedule accordingly. Promptness is greatly appreciated. Interruptions by late arrivals interfere with the concentration of the group and the provider which is necessary for a successful program. Parents are asked to refrain from carrying on conversations with others during Story Time. Such behavior is inconsiderate of other participants and very distracting for the librarian. Cell phones should be turned off and put away during the program so that your child has your full attention. Parents are expected to participate and show by example how much fun singing, dancing, and being silly can be! Parents will sit with the children so they can participate more easily. No food or juice is allowed in the storytime area. Water is permitted. Attendance Policy: Normally our attendance policy is straightforward and unchanging. However, since this year will be uncertain, there will be a little latitude in the attendance policy. If you are unable to attend the program for that day please let me know via email. Email is a very important communication tool and will be the only way that I communicate with the class. Make sure you check yours regularly just in case there is a class cancellation. Illness Policy: In these times it is vitally important to stay away from others when ill. if you or your child have any of these symptoms please stay home: Runny Nose, Sore Throat, Cough, Sneezing, Fever, Body Aches, Vomiting, Diarrhea. Class Cancellation: In case of a class cancellation, every effort will be made to let attendees know as soon as possible. However, sometimes there are last minute unforeseen incidents in which there is not enough time to notify attendees. In those cases attendees will be notified when they arrive for the program. If you think that you will be unable to follow the guidelines set forth in this document, then our drop-in program might be more suitable. If you have any questions about our upcoming virtual Toddler Time with Ms. Teri program, you can email Ms. Teri at

Toddler Time Dates

January 18, 25 February 1, 8, 22 March 1 

Photo Release

For questions please contact Teri Anderson at